News Reporting

On page 6 of the handbook, read through the brief points on news and the job of the journalist.

The opening paragraph of a news report is the most important. It contains the key information and most recent facts about the story. The opening should answer the following questions, known as the 5Ws of journalism ( Who? What? Where? When? Why?)

Who is the story about?

What is the story about?

Where did the story happen?

When did the story take place?

Why did it happen?

Classroom activity

In pairs or groups, ask the pupils to select a headline below that interests them. Click on the link for the article you selected to see the story as it was published online. As you read, record your responses to the following questions:

Average of 10 homeless people died each month during 2020

Alan Hughes warns of Ireland AM ‘scandal’ scam involving him and Brian Dowling

Revealed: how RTE channelled undeclared money to Tubridy

  • What details stick with you?
  • What is the main idea of the story? How could you explain it to someone else? Summarise the story down into the 5Ws using bullet points.
  • How does this story connect to you?

Look at the social media accounts of various Irish newspapers ( Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram). Examine the headlines used in these platforms, do they differ from the printed example? Do they encourage the reader to click to read the article?

The Irish Times on X/Twitter

Irish Mirror on Facebook on Facebook on Instagram

Optional extra activity

Next step:

This week, notice different sources of news you come across. Where do you hear/read about national and international events? What works for you? What doesn’t? How can engaging with the news sources become a part of your daily or weekly routine?

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